Talking Mats and the Voice of the Child/Young Person
We are delighted to be attending the Looked After Children Conference in Manchester on the 8th of December 2022. Many Looked After Children and Young People have communication needs, which can make it difficult for them to have a voice and express their views and feelings.
This flyer shows how Talking Mats can help Children and Young People with communication needs to share their views and feelings, in line with the Lundy Model of Participation and UNCRC Article 12, which underpins our training and approach:
If you are attending this conference, come and visit Laura at our Talking Mats stand to find out more. Laura is our Lead Associate for Children and Young People, and also works as a Speech and Language Therapist with Cared-For children and young people, using Talking Mats as an integral part of her assessment and intervention process.
To find out more about the range and impact of communication needs of Looked After Children, check out this information from the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists.