We are delighted that Nick Stewart, Director, Software and Products with Arum Systems, the IT Consultancy who have built the Digital Talking Mats has chosen TM as his favourite project for a case study.
Here is an extract from his case study describing the Challenge and Process of working with Talking Mats.
The Challenge
The challenge was taking the existing physical Talking Mats tool and building a digital application suitable for multiple platforms, while maintaining the core ethos of the tool. A significant amount of academic research went into creating the physical product and those principles had to be present in a digital version. The applications had to be extremely intuitive to use and enable better conversations for people with communication difficulties.
The aim was to create 3 digital versions; a browser based version for laptop users and a tablet version for iPad users and Android users. Each application would connect to a cloud server, allowing users to log in from any device, and the tablet versions would allow offline working through syncing with the cloud when a connection was available. There was a requirement to set up a multi-tiered subscription based user account system to match the intended charging model for the digital app.
Our Process
Arum’s approach was to totally immerse ourselves in the Talking Mats business to understand their goals, ethos and objectives. We took time to learn how the Talking Mats ecosystem worked and how they wanted to engage with their customers. By applying our 3D Methodology we were able to break down the deliverables into phases allowing the key building blocks to be delivered first. This also allowed the best use of budget and reduced the time to market the new product.
To read the full case study click here Arum Talking Mats Case Study
What works well when implementing Talking Mats?
Our last blog highlight how the Wigan Pathfinder Project selected Talking Mats from a range of tools to consult with pupils who have Education, Health and Care plans (EHCP) . They reported that Talking mats provided :
- An objective, neutral space – a thinking tool- ‘Children and young people are able to consider their priorities when setting targets’.
- Opportunities for change – ‘Children and young people are able to make changes to their initial thoughts and have time to decide and reconsider options’.
- A truly person centred approach
- It was fun!
Additional factors they commented on which worked well when consulting with pupils about decision making and goal setting were:
- Good liaison with parents and staff who know the child well before the session
- Adapting the length of the session to the child’s needs
- Ensuring a suitable room without too many distractions
- Using the teaching scale
- Putting the child’s name on the mat
- Placing all topics in one envelope for easy access
- Allowing time to sort symbols and discard irrelevant ones.
- Reducing the number of symbols used depending on the child’s needs
- Changing the top scale symbols to support the child’s understanding where necessary
- Keeping a verbal record where appropriate
- Working in pairs whilst learning the approach
- Using the effectiveness coding framework (all case studies scored above 75%, therefore considered effective using this measure)
The Talking mats training focuses on teaching how to establish a consistent and appropriate top scale, maintaining a clear topic and using the effectiveness framework. It also presents a model for thinking about who can and cannot use the mat and for what types of questions and discussions
We are grateful to Emma Atkiss, one of our accredited trainers for this interesting report.
The purpose of The Voice of the Child pilot project carried out by the Wigan Pathfinder team was to obtain pupil views using a viable tool. The team selected Talking Mats as a framework to support pupils to express their views in decisions regarding their lives. They were working on the principle that engaging with the young person and his/her family would lead to better outcomes
The project team considered that Talking Mats met the 5 criteria of Shier’s model of participation (2001)
- Children are listened to.
- Children are supported in expressing their views.
- Children’s views are taken into account.
- Children are involved in the decision-making processes.
- Children share power and responsibility for decision-making.
Click on diagram to enlarge.
The pupils in the pilot ranged from 7 to 17 years with a range of disabilities. During the pupil interviews the team found that the Talking Mats Health and Well being resource provided a practical framework for decision making and target setting
Talking mats provided :
- An objective, neutral space – a thinking tool- ‘Children and young people are able to consider their priorities when setting targets’.
- Opportunities for change – ‘Children and young people are able to make changes to their initial thoughts and have time to decide and reconsider options’.
- A truly person centred approach
- It was fun!
For example : A seven year old child with Autistic Spectrum Disorder identified both her cognitive strengths and areas for development using the Learning and Thinking domain. She provided feedback regarding her difficulty in attending when faced with too much information or choice and also her strength in planning skills. Thinking skills targets and interventions can be developed using this information as a starting point.
Their report states that the information gained from Talking Mats can be used, as part of the Education Health and Care planning and review cycle, to inform both decision-making and goal setting for children and young people i.e. It identifies strengths; It identifies areas to develop; It identifies the child / young person’s response to a range of experiences; It informs day-to-day decision-making ; It informs both targets and interventions for Individual Education Plans and it supports transition planning.
Ref : Engaging the voice of the child / young person at an individual level – Emma Atkiss,Senior Educational Psychologist and Caroline Gomez, Educational Psychologist, Wigan council
The transition from children’s to adult health services for young people with exceptional needs and their families is complex, multifaceted and fraught with concerns and fears. CEN Scotland commissioned Talking Mats to carry out a study to collect the views of 10 young people and their families who are experiencing this transition in Scotland.
The families in the project have given us clear views about their problems and fears and also some thoughtful suggestions for what could be made better. It is often in making small changes that significant improvement can occur. These suggestions include:
- Courses for parents on transition
- More specialist nurses e.g. transition nurses, acute liaison learning disability nurses
- Start preparing early – at least 2 years
- Transition wards for young people
- Training for doctors and nurses about complex needs
- More respite, not less
- Emotional support for parents
- Longer appointment times
- A hotline to GPs
This study captures the complexity and variation of transition health services for young people with complex health needs from the perspective of both the young person and their parents. Despite the problems and fears we also saw evidence of good practice and suggestions, such as those above, which give hope for the way ahead.
To read the full report, including a moving case study, and direct comments from families, please click here CEN Transition Report
The Keeping Safe Talking Mats resource is a visual framework that has been developed and trialled over 3 years. It provides:
- A listening space for people with learning disability to raise concerns
- A structure for staff to find out what people are thinking about their lives, and raise issues that can be difficult to discuss.
We have produced a poster that describes the development of the resource and where we have got to . Please click here to view CM poster 20150825
The Scottish government learning disability strategy keys to life has 4 strategic outcomes for people with learning disability in 2015-2017
- A health life
- Choice and control
- Independence
- Active Citzenship
Using the Keeping safe resource allows people to think about , reflect on and have their say in these areas. We have loved training staff working in learning disability across Scotland to use it. The feedback on how it is being used is very powerful, so watch out for more blogs that will show how it has helped people with a learning disability have a say in changing and determining their lives.
Stirling Council hosted a meeting this morning (2nd October) to discuss Stirling’s response to the Syrian refugees crisis. It was a great meeting with good speakers outlining the Scottish response and also the Stirling response to welcoming families from the refugee camps. There were about 150 people in the hall buzzing with ideas and we were given plenty of time to discuss in groups our thoughts and ideas.
One of the key issues overlying those such as housing, education, health, faith and community support was communication. How we can help people whose first language is not English and who may also have difficulty expressing themselves because of trauma?
Already there have been responses from translation services, the local Islamic Centre and the University. Another possibility is the use of Talking Mats to help people consider their options and express their views. We have used Talking Mats in other situations where English was not a first language, for example in clinical situations with Polish patients and also in our work in China a few years ago. We found that once the person understood the basic structure of Talking Mats we were able to communicate amazingly well. We have a number of symbol resources that might be helpful and, as a social enterprise, are keen to offer our services.
Like everyone in this morning’s meeting, we look forward to welcoming and supporting the Syrian families who are coming to Stirling.
Sophie Mitchell SLT describes how she supported her students to develop their EHC Plans with the Talking Mats app .
In September 2014 our team and I were asked to facilitate the production of Education and Health Care plans for the Year 14 students at the Secondary Special School (for adolescents with complex, profound and multiple learning difficulties) where we are based. As Speech and Language therapists we were asked to work with the students to gain their view on what they would like to be detailed in their plan and also what their aspirations were for their future. We wanted to ensure the production of these plans were as client centred as possible so therefore decided to use the Talking Mats App on the Ipad using the Health and Wellbeing resource. This resource proved invaluable when working with our students. Not only were our students highly motivated to participate in the sessions due to the Ipad being used, talking mats empowered them to make meaningful decisions about their future, communicate any areas where they would like further support and discuss likes and dislikes. The impact on our students became clear when working with one 19 year old student. Although he did not have any spontaneous expressive language and would only echo things said by others, during a Talking Mats sessions when talking about his likes and dislikes, he appeared to be placing most items under ‘dislike’. As the session went on the student started to appear agitated, then started pointing towards ‘like’ although no symbol was presented. Suddenly the student said ‘Garden’, still pointing towards the ‘like’. When presented with a gardening symbol he soon placed this under ‘like’. This information was then presented in his plan and his college were instructed to explore opportunities for this student to develop his gardening skills. For all students this information was then used to not only create their Education and Health Care plan but also expand and explore areas they were highly motivated by while still at School and also identify possible work placements for the future. Furthermore the School invested in Talking mats training to ensure this approach is used throughout each academic year and school staff are skilled to use Talking Mats as each student starts their assessment for their Education and Health Care plan.
We would like to thank Sophie who is from Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS trust for such a great example of how to use the app in EHC Planning . If you are interested in purchasing the digital Talking Mat then please phone the office 01786479511. We are just changing the purchasing model from subscription to one off sale so its temporarily removed from the web site.
At the end of a recent training session, we asked the trainees to tell us how they planned to use Talking Mats as part of their work. Their comments were as follows:
- This tool will be useful in helping some residents make decisions, informed choices and express their needs. It will take time for some residents to feel confident in using this tool.
- I’d like to use it with some residents to be able to adapt Talking Mats more to their understanding.
- I’d like to use this tool for resident’s reviews to find out what the residents likes/dislikes are.
- Talking Mats will be great for service evaluation.
- Talking Mats will be great for asking residents about things they want to do.
- Updating Care Plans regularly from outcomes of Talking Mats.
- It can be used to get to know people’s needs and wishes more.
- Share the findings with colleagues and joint services.
- Hopefully through its use I’ll learn to pass it onto others.
- A gardening set. Service evaluation and well-being assessing stress levels/anxiety/emotional state?
- I’d use it to promote choices of activities.
- Care Inspectorate forms. Finding out how people enjoy time at the service and how to improve on it.
Can you let us know how you use Talking Mats as part of your work?
We are delighted that the free seminar we are holding in London on the 20th of October is now full, so have planned an additional session on the same day.
This is a great opportunity to find out about this communication tool which gives children and young people a voice. Children and young people are experts in their own lives and Talking Mats is a useful framework for enhancing participation and inclusion. It is suitable for a range of people who need support to express their views, interests and aspirations, and make decisions about their support. e.g. pupils with communication difficulties; pupils who have English as an additional language; and those who are reluctant communicators or who find it difficult to organise their thinking. We would particularly welcome staff from educational settings.
During the session we will
- Show examples of pupil participation
- Provide hands on experience of the Talking Mats resources, both original and digital
- Exchange practice and ideas
The seminar will be on the 20th October 2015 from 1.15 pm –3.00 pm and located close to London Bridge station.
To book a place contact info@talkingmats.com.
Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
We are very grateful to David Brennan, a Dementia Support Worker from Ayrshire for this powerful blog.
Over the years our service has supported many people with a diagnosis of Dementia, now and then we encounter individuals whose cognitive difficulties have greatly affected their ability to communicate. This can (in some cases) result in distress for the services user and their families, distress that could be reduced or even avoided if the individual had a way of being understood by those around them.
As a service we welcomed the opportunity to engage in the Talking Mats Training and as a Dementia Support Worker I was eager to have a tool that could help me overcome communication obstacles, having experienced situations where those I support become so frustrated because they desperately want to relay a piece of information, but simply cannot find the words to express themselves.
I saw talking Mats as a communication system for those who struggle with speech. However, after using the practice in a practical environment I realise that I have had underestimated its potential, for it has much wider applications in our role.
My first experience of using Talking Mats was when producing the video for the second training session. I enlisted the help of a gentleman from the neighbouring Day Care centre.
We had never met prior to the session. The Gentleman had no communication difficulties that I was aware of.
Using the Talking Mats acted as an instant ice breaker, giving two complete strangers a reason to sit down and interact together, quickly striking up a rapport. The Gentleman appeared at ease and was happy to talk in detail about the tiles for the chosen subject of ‘Leisure Activities’
The activity revealed more than expected though. Through the course of the conversation he voiced feelings on things he was perhaps not happy with. I discovered he was unhappy that he did not get out in the open air enough due to poor mobility and that he would have preferred to see musicians coming into his Day Care Centre. This was crucial feedback
It occurred that Talking Mats also had an effective use in the assessment and quality assurance process that exist within services, providing crucial feedback for continued person-centred planning.
Taking this on board I considered examples of service users within my current caseload where the activity could prove beneficial.
I have been working with one gentleman for many months. He could be described as a Man’s man, someone who often replies to attempts at conversation with short responses, even when speaking with his wife. He may struggle to remember the names of people and places but he typically has little other difficulty in communicating.
I attempted the same topic with this man. Much of the answers were as expected. He spoke about football and his favourite team, but the structure of the Talking Mats encouraged him to open up about some of the smaller details that until now he hadn’t felt the need to disclose.
In the most recent example I was asked to take part in a colleague’s Talking Mat video for her training. She is one of our newest members of staff and although we have already developed a good working relationship the activity allowed her more insight to the nature and history of her co-worker.
For my experience, as someone who can struggle with sensory stimulation, it allowed me to express some of my needs and obscure preferences (around the office and in general) in a safe environment where I felt able to communicate what would normally be very personal information. And to have someone listen and thoughtfully consider this was a rewarding experience too.
As a service, new to the Talking Mats system, we are just scratching the surface of how we can best implement this into our roles, but the possibilities are already multiplying at a rapid pace, almost as much as the benefits we are seeing.
David Brennan
Dementia Support Worker