28th Apr 2021 | Lois Cameron
Webinars about the new digital Talking Mats
During May we are hosting 3 one hour webinars which will demonstrate the new digital Talking Mats that is currently being developed for us by our technical partners MTC.
The webinar will focus on demonstrating its new features including:
- technical specification for use
- the range of symbols sets availableincluding Keeping Safe, Thinking Ahead, Health and Housing and the Leisure subsets of Sports and Out and About
- how to add your own photos
- how to make sub mats ,
- how to useit to support effective remote conversations
- how to file restore and retrieve individual mats.
The migration from our current system to this will be explained as well as how to purchase and use if you are a new user.
Please note this is not a Talking Mats training.
Choose a webinar that suits your time zone and work pattern and book a place. All times are GMT
- SOLD OUTTuesday 11th May 9.30 -10.30 am SOLD OUT
- Monday 17th00-5.00 pm
- Thursday 27thMay 1-2.00 pm
All webinars are free and we would love to see you to show you he new digital Talking Mats