Improving communication, improving lives

Talking Mats team chat about Christmas

Fika (coffee time)  in the Talking Mats office is always interesting.  Recently we got chatting about Christmas preparations and who had the longest ‘to do’ list.  There was a definite variation in enthusiasm for all things Christmas.  We needed to do a Talking Mat! This was done on our digital Talking Mats – it’s  easy to import your own images now and make a digital Talking Mat about any topic.

Eating , drinking and games and puzzles got the thumbs up!   (Lois is the games queen and was the most enthusiastic about that).

Holiday, partying and entertaining got consensus.

Extended family coming to stay? This moved around a bit, but was generally positive (say no more!)

Shopping was in the mid section-we all agreed.  Perhaps by now it would be less positive with last minute mayhem.

Gifts was added as a blank (how could the interviewer forget that) and not everyone was comfortable about the commercialisation of Christmas.

‘How do you feel about Juggling demands?’   We all agreed -not sure.  Again remember, Talking Mats is how a person feels at a certain point in time.  Ask us again on Christmas Eve?!

Christmas cleaningAll agreed was a chore and some thought best not to get too bothered about it

Talking Mats supports a group conversation.  We all got our say


Merry Christmas one and all
